Team Building

Grounded in Organizational Psychology and Social Neuroscience

& Based on Two Decades of Applied Expertise.

Our Team Building program - Connected Leadership enhances trust, improves interpersonal communication, aligns teams behind shared objectives. Grounded in organizational psychology and the neuroscience of connection, our programs lead to higher performing, healthier, more innovative, and cohesive teams and organizational cultures.

The Connected Leadership Advantage

  • Comprehensive Team Evaluation

    Examining team dynamics to reveal strengths and improvement areas

  • Engagement Boost

    Strategies to increase meaningful team connection, improve individual and team awareness and renew engagement and commitment

  • Connected High Performing Team

    Adopting innovative metho s to build trust, improve communication, enhance collaboration and build high performance

Black and white image taken from above of men rowing a four man boat

Why Us?

Fiona Murden has a wealth of experience in leadership development, having advised 12 FTSE 100 CEOs, assessed and developed over 1000 leaders across industry, and led leadership development for an international firm. Over the past 17 years she has built up a team of talented associates globally who have an equally strong yet diverse track record in international settings.

Fiona’s strategic thinking and business insight ensure that leadership development aligns with organizational goals and context. Through her approach, Fiona helps organizations cultivate capable leaders, enhance team performance, and achieve lasting success.

She combines an understanding of cutting edge leadership theories with practical leadership experience. Her strengths lie in facilitation, coaching, and fostering personal growth through strong emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills.

Fiona has strong partnerships with the best in the world when it comes to this field and brings in expertise as appropriate for any given engagement.


“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.”

Babe Ruth

Next Steps…

  • 1. Contact Us

    Using the form below and we’ll get back to you asap

  • 2. Exploratory Call

    To discuss your exact needs and what working together would involve

  • 3. Begin Work

    With a plan tailored to meet your teams needs and timeframes

The Impact of Disconnected Leadership

When a leadership team isn't well-connected, it can cause serious issues throughout the organization, from disengaged employees to a toxic culture. Here’s what that can look like:

  • Lack of Alignment: It's hard to keep everyone aligned with the company's goals, values, and priorities.

  • Relationship Issues: Leaders spend more time resolving conflicts than focusing on strategic priorities, affecting overall performance.

  • Loss of Respect: Employees quickly lose respect for leaders who can't manage relationships, undermining their credibility and authority.

  • Eroded Trust: Disconnected leaders lose the trust of their peers and employees, making people feel undervalued and stressed. This leads to higher turnover and makes it hard to achieve goals.

  • Increased Conflicts: Low trust leads to conflicts, resentment, and poor decision-making. Employees work in silos, hide mistakes, and protect themselves, all of which hurt productivity.