
I'm Fiona Murden, an award-winning author and psychologist who has spent two decades exploring the complexities of being human. Through insights from my work with thousands of leaders, personal experience, and scientific knowledge, I've developed approaches that unlock potential, enhance well-being, and create meaningful impact.


But this space isn’t just for leaders. It’s for anyone who wants to live ‘Life Connected’. So, if you want to understand more about what makes us human and use that knowledge to improve your life, build deeper connections, and help others to shine then you’re in the right place.

Professional portrait of Fiona Murden signing books
Professional photograph of Fiona Murden accepting an award for her book

Life Connected

Life Connected is a community focused on helping people break free from feeling stuck and rediscover their paths to happiness.

It offers a supportive environment for those eager to reconnect with themselves, pursue their dreams, and foster meaningful connections with others.

By using a combination of experience, insight and expertise in psychology and neuroscience we will guide you in unlocking your own and others potential.

Why not start by dipping you toe in and sign up to our newsletter ‘The Dot’ below

About Fiona

With over two decades as an organizational psychologist, Fiona has advised over 1000 leaders, entrepreneurs, creatives, athletes, healthcare professionals, and teachers. My work empowers leaders to create supportive environments, impacting tens of thousands of people. Clients have included organisations like Burberry, Dr. Martens, McKinsey, Soho House and United for Global Mental Health.

She’s spoken at many events from Selfridges and the Royal College of Surgeons to the American Museum of Natural History. And she’s a multi- award winning author of two books on human potential.

As a Chartered Organizational Psychologist her expertise is grounded in rigorous training and research. Fiona and her team provide advice you can trust, with a focus on real results.

her purpose is to make a positive difference in other people's lives, fostering environments where they can connect with what truly matters.

Here, the aim is to help you connect with what matters most to you, supporting your personal growth, wellbeing, and success.

Black and white image of Fiona Murden with her chin resting in her hand

As featured in

How Do We Help?

We guide you with the latest insights from social psychology, organizational psychology, neuroscience, positive psychology, developmental psychology, sociology - PHEW that’s a lot!!!!!!

But don’t worry that’s where the Mirror System, our unique framework comes in.

Our Approach


    Find the best way to learn and explore at your own pace—whether that’s reading, listening, or watching. And best of all, it’s not just from one person.

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    All our information is evidence-based. You won't find any 'fake news' or 'phony gurus' here.

  • Image by freepik


    Making changes on your own can be challenging. We need someone to work through plans with us, provide support, hold us accountable, remind us, and believe in us. We'll guide you on how to seek this support and how to offer it to others.

The Mirror System

The Mirror System uniquely combines an understanding of the brain’s mirror neurons, with insights from various psychological disciplines, helping you achieve peak performance, foster stronger relationships, and boost your overall well-being. To read more dip into Fiona’s book - Mirror Thinking How Role Models Make Us Human.

  • Imagine you’re trying to master a new skill, whether it’s a sport, a musical instrument, or a professional task. Mirror neurons in your brain activate when you observe someone else performing that skill, helping you internalize and replicate their actions. By combining this understanding with principles from organizational and applied psychology, you can enhance your learning process. For example, watching a skilled performer or mentor can significantly improve your own abilities because your brain is essentially practicing the skill through observation. This approach can make your training more effective, leading to better performance and quicker mastery of new skills.Description text goes here

  • Building strong, meaningful relationships is crucial for personal and professional success. Mirror neurons play a key role in empathy, allowing you to understand and resonate with others' emotions and intentions. When you integrate this knowledge with insights from social and positive psychology, you can enhance your interpersonal skills. For instance, by being more aware of how your actions and emotions are mirrored by others, you can improve your communication and reduce misunderstandings. This can help you connect more deeply with friends, family, and colleagues, fostering stronger, more supportive relationships.

  • Your overall well-being is closely tied to your social interactions and emotional health. Mirror neurons help you empathize and bond with others, which is essential for emotional support and a sense of belonging. By combining this understanding with positive psychology practices, such as mindfulness and empathy training, you can enhance your emotional resilience and well-being. Recognizing how your emotional states can influence and be influenced by others can help you create a more positive social environment. This can reduce feelings of isolation, increase your life satisfaction, and promote a healthier, happier lifestyle.


Easier said than done, a note from Fiona

These are my daughters, two of the most precious people in my life. I know from personal experience that with the pace of life and the pressures we all face, trying new approaches and even connecting with loved ones like family can be easier said than done. That's why we focus on providing practical advice—things you can actually do. We help you find what works for you and how to seek support from someone you trust. Despite what society says, it's almost impossible to grow, achieve or navigate challenges alone.

Photo credit - Elizabeth Waight

Why Life Connected?

We all have more potential than we realize. For those aiming to be the ‘best of the best’, it's about fine-tuning—adjusting behaviors, evolving self-awareness, and refining the elements that drive peak performance. While for those focusing on personal growth, the emphasis is on sustainable improvement, becoming the best version of oneself within the context of a balanced, fulfilling life.

But while everyone has untapped potential it’s a sad reality that not everyone has equal opportunities to fulfill that potential. Access to resources, education, and supportive environments varies greatly across different socioeconomic backgrounds, geographic locations, and personal circumstances. Broadly speaking, women for example face more barriers. And women who lie at the intersection of multiple marginalized identities, such as those from racial and ethnic minorities, face compounded disadvantages.

Even those fortunate enough to have the best opportunities aren't immune to society's unhelpful conditioning. From a young age, we're often told that happiness and self-worth are tied to material wealth, academic achievements, and status. However, these things don't lead to true fulfillment unless they align with our personal values, passions and meaningful connections. I've seen people achieve the highest standards of success yet feel empty because they weren't pursuing what truly mattered to them.

Our goal is to harness our collective knowledge and experiences to help people live richer, more meaningful lives. To help people connect better with themselves and with each other. This journey begins with personal growth and extends to uplifting others, a process enhanced by understanding the science of empathy and connection, underpinned by the mirror system. By embracing the mindset of continuous learning, combined with compassion, and mutual support, we can foster greater understanding, inclusion, and fairness in our communities. Our actions, no matter how small, ripple out and impact others in ways we may never fully understand. So, this vision transcends individual success; it's about cultivating a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, recognizing that our interconnectedness is not just a fact of life, but a powerful catalyst for positive change.